Back in the dark ages, people at an office party would line up will-nilly, hands on the hips of the person in front of them and parade through the office/bar/pool area while writhing and kicking in a close approximation of…
We do not believe in censorship in any form. We should be able to say whatever the (expletive deleted) we want without worrying about some idiot with a blue pencil making hash of our prose. On the other hand, we…
You show us yours and we’ll show you ours. Seriously, we have a strict policy which will will not violate even if we are threatened with physical violence. We will not share your private information (email address, name, phone number,…
OK, so this post has nothing to do with Steve Jobs but all of the available pictures about “jobs” were depressing. Nothing but shots of unemployment lines and soup kitchens. So I thought, “Why not use a picture that will…