Not the Real Privacy Policy

Facebook: The privacy saga continuesYou show us yours and we’ll show you ours.

Seriously, we have a strict policy which will will not violate even if we are threatened with physical violence.

We will not share your private information (email address, name, phone number, the last seven web sites you visited, the last fifteen Youtube videos you viewed and the fact that you like American Idol but tell your friends all reality TV is stupid) unless it either benefits us in some way or we happen to feel like it that morning when we get up. If you want privacy, go post on MySpace where you are almost guaranteed no one will ever read it. only shares your personal information with other companies or individuals outside of NotQuiteProfitable.comĀ in the following limited circumstance:

  • We have your consent. (If you are dumb enough to give us your consent, we’ll take advantage of it.)

Changes to this Privacy Policy

  • Please be aware that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Or not. It depends.

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